The prolific English author, Arnold Bennett once said, “It is easier to go down a hill than up, but the view is at the top.” This also applies to recovery. There are many instances during a recovery journey when one chooses to stop “going up” or progressing in their recovery. Unfortunately, when this happens, one’s personal growth in recovery also stops growing. For some people, this happens when they choose to go home early, rather than transition into a sober living facility.
What to Do After Addiction Treatment?
Making it through an initial round of addiction treatment is one of the hardest and most respected actions a person will ever undertake. However, once this initial treatment is completed, these people then come to a place where they have to decide the next step they are going to take.
The reality is that some people are ready to move on to the next stage of their recovery as they fully integrate back into their everyday lives. These people have a set recovery plan and the types of connections that they will need to be successful in their recovery and avoid relapse.
For others, they are not quite there yet. This is okay. In fact, it shows just how much progress they have made in recognizing that they are not ready. These are the people that may benefit the most by transitioning into sober living.
What Exactly Are Sober Living Facilities?
Sober living facilities are a relatively straightforward part of the recovery process. They are residential facilities that people can occupy as they are transitioning from treatment.
Sober living facilities allow for an individual to have the autonomy that they will need to get used to in their newly sober life, while also holding them accountable to their recovery plan. These facilities often have curfews and requirements that one must follow to maintain their residence. Now, these requirements may be keeping up with therapy, testing negative for alcohol and substances, and regularly attending recovery meetings.
Sober living facilities help people integrate back into their day-to-day lives while also ensuring that they have a safe space to come home to when situations become overwhelming or “triggering.” However, these are not the only benefits of sober living facilities
What Are the Benefits of Sober Living Facilities?
Perhaps the biggest benefit of staying at a sober living facility is that it ensures that someone continues their path of recovery. Many people find themselves going right back out and relapsing after a stay in a treatment center. In fact, this is much more common than many people might think.
According to the journal, Current Psychiatry Reports, “It has long been known that addictive disorders are chronic and relapsing in nature. Recent estimates from clinical treatment studies suggest that more than two-thirds of individuals relapse within weeks to months of initiating treatment. For 1-year outcomes across alcohol, nicotine, weight, and illicit drug abuse, studies show that more than 85% of individuals relapse and return to drug use within one year of treatment.” These statistics are reduced when individuals extend their treatment via a stay at a sober living facility.
Another benefit of sober living facilities is that they help people make the connections that they will need to keep them sober and recovered as they continue their journey. This is often referred to as building up a strong “sober network.” People in this network (both peers and professionals) are the ones that can be relied upon when life “gets real” in recovery and relapse may be right around the corner. Another benefit of sober living is that it allows the family members more time to heal themselves.
Making Sure There Is a Safe Space After the Treatment Center and Sober Living Facility
It is important to remember that addiction is also a “family disease,” which means that the entire family can be negatively affected. This is especially true emotionally.
When a loved one goes away to recovery, the family should also be afforded the opportunity to seek help and heal. This may happen through individual or family therapy or a recovery group like Al-Anon which specifically caters to family members affected by a loved one’s addiction.
Also, more time to heal does not just benefit the family. It allows the family more time to understand addiction and how important creating a safe environment for loved ones to come home to is, especially for the prevention of relapse.
Long-Term Recovery With Lantana Recovery
Here at Lantana Recovery, we believe in long-term recovery over short-term sobriety. This is why we fully endorse sober living facilities for those who need them.
Like Bennett, at Lantana Recovery, we know that the view from the top is a beautiful one. Our primary purpose is to help as many people as possible see it too.
Many people struggle with the choices they are presented once they finish residential treatment. These people need to choose whether they are ready to integrate back into their day-to-day lives fully or need more help with their recovery. For the people who need more help, staying at a sober living facility may be the best choice. If you or someone you love are struggling with issues of addiction, mental illness, or both, we can help get you onto the road to recovery. For more information about the benefits of sober living facilities and the next steps after the treatment center, please reach out to Lantana Recovery today at (866) 997-2870.
The post Should I Go Home or Transition to Sober Living Following Addiction Treatment? appeared first on Lantana Recovery: Addiction Treatment Rehab Center.
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